A while ago I needed to create a private zone with documentation, accessible only by the MODx managers (I’m talking about MODx Evolution here). In order to restrict access I wrote a simple snippet, which you can now use as well.
Snippet name: ManagersOnly
Description: Restrict access to managers only.
if (!isset($_SESSION['mgrValidated']))
header('Location: '.$modx->makeUrl($modx->config['unauthorized_page']));
$modx->setPlaceholder('manager_name', $_SESSION['mgrShortname']);
Usage: add [[ManagersOnly]]
in the beginning of the page or in a template. In case the visitor is authorized as a manager, the snippet will also return the placeholder [+manager_name+]
(MODx manager’s “short name”), so you can greet them. Please note that the placeholder will not work correctly with cached pages.