Tag Archives: windows

Fixing Windows Update: what to do when wuauserv refuses to stop

Every now and then my virtualized Windows 10 would stuck at “Checking for updates” or “Downloading updates: 0%”. The solutions on various websites suggest stopping the related system services (net stop wuauserv and net stop bits) and trashing the contents … Continue reading

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How to load VirtIO storage drivers in Windows System Restore

If you need to load VirtIO block storage driver (aka viostor) in Windows System Restore (aka Windows Recovery Mode) to recover your Windows virtual machine, take the following steps. (Also please read my note below).

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Windows not detecting unallocated space after extending virtual disk

You’ve extended a virtual disk in Vmware or Proxmox for a Windows virtual machine, but the disk appears the same size in Disk Management?

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Switch input language by caps lock in Windows

(Эта статья также доступна на русском языке). One and half years ago I wrote an article called “Select input language by Caps Lock in Mac OS X” and later it started appearing in Google results for users searching the same … Continue reading

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Переключение языка ввода по caps lock в Windows

(This article is as well available in English). Полтора года назад я написал статью «Переключение языка ввода по caps lock в Mac OS X», и так получилось, что поисковики в своей выдаче показывают ее не только макинтошникам, но и пользователям … Continue reading

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“Steam is temporarily unavailable” problem

Recently I installed Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 onto my Windows 7 x64, and it replaced the built-in Windows firewall (there was an option to do so while installing, and I deliberately chose it). Everything was fine except the next day … Continue reading

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Restoring Windows on a PC after installing Bootcamp

After installing Bootcamp 3.0 on a PC running Windows Vista (I was experimenting with Apple Aluminium Keyboard drivers), the system started BSOD’ing on startup with an error related to AppleMnt.sys.

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Inability to upload files using any browser on Windows

One my friend who runs Windows XP encountered a strange problem: she couldn’t upload any large (more than ≈100 KB) files using upload forms on websites under any browser. We tried Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome with no result, although … Continue reading

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“Failed to expand the files” error

Getting “failed to expand the files” while installing Canon camera software, such as ZoomBrowser Ex? Just turn off your antivirus.

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