Category Archives: How to’s

Step-by-step guides mostly for general public.

Authentik: set custom username for OAuth application (e.g. for Apache Guacamole) via a property mapping

If you use Authentik ( as an OAuth authentication provider for your Apache Guacamole ( instance and you’d like to customize usernames for Guacamole, here’s how you can achieve this. The steps described below may work for other applications, wired … Continue reading

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Serving acme-challenges from two web-servers sharing the same domain via nginx

Say you have nginx listening on port 80 and sharing a domain with another web-server (e.g. Proxmox web-server) that is listening on a different port, and you want to route HTTP-01 (“acme-challenge”) requests to that second web-server.

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Zola + Vite demo

How to neatly wire up Zola (static site generator) with Vite (frontend build tool) without special plugins (a minimal demo).

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Postgres database on a separate drive

In psql: CREATE TABLESPACE mytablespace LOCATION ‘/Volumes/MyVolume/postgres’; CREATE DATABASE mydatabase TABLESPACE mytablespace; Kudos to GregHNZ for posting this on StackOverflow.

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Django + Vue CLI + Webpack demo

How to wire up a Vue CLI app and Webpack to Django templates with routing, hot reload, code-splitting and without any extra plugins (a minimal demo + explanation).

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VS Code: bind one key to multiple commands without an extension

People wanting to assign multiple commands to a single keybinding in VS Code typically use an extension, such as multi-command or macros. However, there is another, lesser known method to achieve this using built-in functionality of VS Code — user … Continue reading

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Datadog: nginx access.log / error.log permission denied


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Datadog: “could not retrieve nginx version info”

Apparently Datadog fails to retrieve nginx version information when server_tokens directive in nginx configuration is set to off.

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Apache Guacamole: how to change the default URL path (/guacamole) to something else

Say you want to change Apache Guacamole’s URL from http://server:8080/guacamole to something like http://server:8080/my-hidden-guacamole-instance (or perhaps you’re using nginx to proxy requests to Guacamole / Tomcat and you don’t want any path at all). (See Docker image specific instructions in … Continue reading

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Downgrade any Homebrew package easily

Update from 2020: the instructions for tesseract don’t work anymore, see comments from other users below the post. I’ll use Tesseract as an example, but the same logic can be applied to any other Homebrew package.

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