Switch input language by caps lock in Windows

(Эта статья также доступна на русском языке).

One and half years ago I wrote an article called “Select input language by Caps Lock in Mac OS X” and later it started appearing in Google results for users searching the same thing but for other operating systems. To avoid confusion I decided to write another post specifically for Windows users.

How to make Windows switch input language by caps lock?

Know an alternative? Have something to say about these programs? Comment!

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10 Responses to Switch input language by caps lock in Windows

  1. Avi says:

    Ok, tested (almost) all of them.

    LSwitch: outdated, does not work in some applications.
    Capsswitch: does not work in some applications (Miranda).
    Capslang: works, but resets font to Arial in OneNote, probably in other applications.
    AutoHotkey: not reliable, problems with Remote Desktop when both local and remote hosts run this script.
    AutoHotkey, this script http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/24666-keyboard-layout-switcher/ mostly reliable, but may not work in Remote Desktop under certain circumstances. I wasn’t able to figure out why it may not work. If it works, it’s one of the best solutions.
    kbdflip: the most reliable solution, the only one that works flawlessly.

  2. Avi says:

    Update: celebrated too early. kbdflip has a “soft mode”, and if you type and switch language very fast, kbdflip activates “soft mode” instead.

    Well, autohotkey holds the first place now.

  3. John Smith says:

    Punto switcher, though generally limited to English and Russian, and havin only Russian-language UI, can do it and many other things as well: switch layout using caps lock, switch using shifts (left shift for one language, right shift for another, automatically switch languages based on input, switch language of selected text by hotkey, show flags instead of text labels in system tray.

    Language switching works flawlessly.
    Changing text typed in wrong layout works most of the time (like 98%+), and when it doesn’t, it usually does on second try. Never use autoswitching so can’t say anything there.

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