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Category Archives: How to’s
Receive “net send” messages in Mac OS X via Growl
Quick recipe to receive “net send” messages (usually sent from Windows) in Mac OS X via Growl. I worked it out while helping user kamlay @ habrahabr.
WordPress network with any domains and paths, no plugins required
Goal: host several blogs from a single WordPress installation. Each blog should be reachable from a any domain and directory. For example: … etc. It turned out to be possible without 3rd party plugins. You’d only … Continue reading
Switch input language by caps lock in Windows
(Эта статья также доступна на русском языке). One and half years ago I wrote an article called “Select input language by Caps Lock in Mac OS X” and later it started appearing in Google results for users searching the same … Continue reading
Переключение языка ввода по caps lock в Windows
(This article is as well available in English). Полтора года назад я написал статью «Переключение языка ввода по caps lock в Mac OS X», и так получилось, что поисковики в своей выдаче показывают ее не только макинтошникам, но и пользователям … Continue reading
Easily switch between speakers and headphones on Apogee Duet
Update: this tip no longer works with Apogee Maestro 2. If you want to be able to switch easily between speakers and headphones while using Apogee Duet (perhaps Apogee One too), this simple tip is for you.
“Trim” counterpart in Illustrator
In Illustrator, if you need to crop the canvas (page) just like the “Trim” function in Photoshop would do, use Object > Artboards > Fit to Artwork Bounds.
Select input language by Caps Lock in Mac OS X
(Эта статья также доступна на русском языке). Also: Switch input language by Caps Lock in Windows. !!! This method is not yet compatible with macOS 10.12 Sierra !!! * * * I found a new way to bind input language … Continue reading
Переключение языка ввода по Caps Lock в Mac OS X
(This article is as well available in English). !!! Это метод пока не работает в macOS 10.12 Sierra !!! Для пришедших из поисковых систем по схожим запросам: Если вы не знаете, как вообще переключается раскладка/язык в Mac OS X, попробуйте … Continue reading
Create an iPhone ringtone on Mac
This “how to” will guide you through the process of making an iPhone ringtone from a mp3 file using free tools on Mac OS X. I’m pretty sure most of those steps can as well be reproduced on Windows, since … Continue reading